I had no idea how this was going to go, but looking back on the day now, it was truly a success. Ruby had a few moments of melting down at really bad times while I was engaged with Ford or Rachel, but over all, we had a great time, got a lot done, and even learned a few things!
I've decided that we are in a Kindergarten/Pre-K/Preschool combo because Ford is really not just a preschooler any more. He did his own math (which was a breeze to him) and his own handwriting book (again, a breeze), and even wanted to participate when Rachel did Social Studies and Language Arts.
Ruby was really good when it was her turn to do some work. We did the Animal Parade cards, which she loves. Rachel helped her put stickers in her sticker book and then I helped her draw some pictures in it and do some simple math. She just has a hard time not being able to get attention right away (she's 2, after all!) so if I could stop and do something with her, things went fine. When it wasn't a good time to stop, it was not fine.
Here are the highlights from our day:
-Rachel and Ford both watched a math video lesson and thought they were such big kids.
-Rachel actually read Ford and Ruby's stories at nap time, she is doing so well reading!
-Rachel and Ford and I all made maps of their bedroom today for Social Studies. They were both really good at it and can't wait to make a Treasure Map later in the week.
-Rachel quickly reviewed the Four Seasons for Science and was able to draw a picture of something that would represent each season.
-I had some independent work for Rachel to try today and she was able to read the directions and follow them while Ruby had some Mama time!
-We finished all of our main subjects and work by 11:15 and were able to go for a little walk before lunch.
-We had a picnic lunch outside.
-During nap time, Rachel and I practiced her violin and did some music time talking about rhythm and beats.
-Ms. Lisa came by and played with Rachel and Ford while Ruby slept. Once, Ruby woke up, we all went outside and played. After Ms. Lisa left, we stayed outside until dinner and then ate dinner at the picnic table. These kids played outside for four straight hours (dinner included). I have been waiting all summer to be able to do that!
It really was a great day and I have to say the best part of it all was sitting outside and watching our kids play. I love that homeschooling will allow us more time for them just to play and be kids and not worry about homework and school demands. As they get older the work will be more rigorous and more challenging and they will also be involved in more activities, so I want to let them play as much as possible now. Allen and I both get such a great feeling watching them be each other's best friends and make up games together, laughing and giggling and even tackling and chasing each other.
Sounds like a great first day! It was a beautiful afternoon!