Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Can You Hear That?

Today we talked about hearing and it was admittedly, not the most exciting thing we've ever done.  It's pretty hard to draw an ear.  It's pretty hard to explain how hearing works to the 5 and under crowd.  Looking at a picture of an ear with the parts labeled doesn't make much sense because they were totally confused when I tried to explain the part that controls our balance.  The thing we did do that was fun, was to go sit on the (freezing cold) porch and close our eyes and listen to what sounds we could hear.  There were lots of birds and lots of cars and even someone doing construction work.  I pretty much thought I blew it with the hearing lesson, but was going to move on past it.  Then, on the way home from story time, Ford kept calling out from the back seat the different things he could hear.  It was pretty cute.  We're using our sense of hearing today whether we like it or not.  And Ruby pooped in the potty, so the day is not a total loss!

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