Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Some days are better than others

I was just really not into school this morning.  Maybe it was the constant, "Quit touching your sister!" or "Please don't tear that up!" or "Could you just give me two minutes to put the rest of this laundry away?"  Then suddenly, everything gets done and everything gets vacuumed and your children decide to quit being crazy and it all comes together.  I got Ruby and Ford to make Ls on the chalkboard and they had a great time.  Ford even asked how to spell certain words so that he could write them on the board.  Ruby kept drawing "letters" and telling me what they were...super cute.  Rachel read a Biscuit book out loud all by herself with seriously no help and even flew through her math lesson getting the word problems right on the first try.  A little bit of calm always helps and a little bit of success keeps them going for more.  We went to story time this morning where we were supposed to hear about lions, but instead read a book about snow and watched a movie about lions.  Then we made the bird feeders we were supposed to make last week (oops, guess I need to get those out of the diaper bag and up in a tree!).  Vanessa and the boys came over for lunch and some play time and we all just kind of hung out with no agenda in mind.  Everyone is resting or sleeping now and I'm ready to get a little rest and read my book that I need to finish before Friday.  Today is one of those days where nothing flashy or exciting really happens, but it turned out to be a great day.

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